Untitled: a discussion of depression

As I write this I have no idea what the title will be…it may go up untitled. After you all read this you may understand why.

Not all of social media is a good thing, especially for Anxietyoholics. There are some, however, that may bring some good nuggets to us. Since Anxietyoholics have to put up with all of Anxiety’s relatives – particularly Depression – and I know that is where I am right now I thought it’s worth talking about. The one place that doesn’t feel quite as toxic as some places for me is Pinterest. And I want to share some of the nuggets I’ve found there helped me re-frame depression.

Signs of a High Functioning Depression

Do you feel any of these are true for you?

1. Difficulty feeling joy

2. Relentless criticality of self and others

3. Constant self-doubt

4. Diminished energy

5. Irritability or excessive anger

6. Small things feel like huge things

7. Feelings of guilt & worry over the past and the future

8. General sadness

9. Seeking Perfection

10. Inability to rest and slow down

** Relying more and more on your coping strategies

Depression is NOT in the head

Very often Depression is described as or thought of as “just sadness”. Depression is far from just sadness and causes many physical manifestations.

1. Being so drained of energy that taking a shower seems taxing.

2. Inability to concentrate

3. Isolating yourself

4. Reliving old trauma’s over and over

5. Feeling disconnected to children, spouse, loved ones.

**Insomnia, rapid weight loss/gain, physical sickness

Pushing through Anxiety or Depression causes numbness. Not physical numbness, but emotional numbness. It is a place where you stop feeling anything because even getting happy could tilt the scale and tilting the scale will blow it all up. And in order to push through, keep going, Fake it till we Make it – we can’t blow up the scale. So we get numb.

Recognizing the numbness is the first step. For me, the next step is the hardest. Moving out of the numbness – bringing it into the light – saying it out loud to my loved ones. I am not sure that saying it is quite as hard for me as hearing it is to my people. They are not sure what they are suppose to do with that information. How do they add help to that situation?? I am in a place where I am trying to put THAT into words. How would I add help in this situation?

Let me know what you think – here is what I have started as my HELP list for my spouse:

  1. If I go more than a day without talking to you-draw me in. Ask me what I’m reading right now, remind me about a funny time in our past, invite me out to dinner.
  2. Cue up a funny movie.
  3. Make me a cup of tea, get a blanket, and just sit next to me on the couch.
  4. Let’s go for a walk/hike or just get me out in the sun.
  5. Rub my feet or scratch my back.
  6. Don’t let me finish every sentence with “I’m fine.” Ask me for three more adjectives.
  7. Do an art activity with me (even though you dislike it) watching YOU sweat makes me giggle.

Sit down and answer that question for yourself – How would you add Help to your situation? If you like post your list!
